Agglomerative clustering methods that rely on a multiple sequence alignment and a matrix of pairwise distances can be computationally infeasible for large DNA and amino acid datasets. Alternative k-mer based clustering methods involve enumerating all k-letter words in a sequence through a sliding window of length k. The n × 4k matrix of k-mer counts (where n is the number of sequences) can then be used in place of a multiple sequence alignment to calculate distances and/or build a phylogenetic tree. kmer is an R package for clustering large sequence datasets using fast alignment-free k-mer counting. This can be achieved with or without a multiple sequence alignment, and with or without a matrix of pairwise distances. These functions are detailed below with examples of their utility.
The function kcount
is used to enumerate all
k-mers within a sequence or set of sequences, by sliding a
window of length k along each sequence and counting the number
of times each k-mer appears (for example, the 43 = 64 possible DNA 3-mers: AAA,
AAC, AAG, …, TTT). The kdistance
function can then compute
an alignment-free distance matrix, using a matrix of k-mer
counts to derive the pairwise distances. The default distance metric
used by kdistance
is the k-mer (k-tuple)
distance measure outlined in Edgar (2004).
For two DNA sequences a and
b, the fractional common
k-mer count over the 4k possible words of
length k is calculated as:
$$F = \sum\limits_{\tau}\frac{min
(n_a(\tau), n_b (\tau))}{min (L_a , L_b ) - k + 1} \tag{1}$$
where τ represents each possible k-mer, na(τ) and nb(τ) are the number of times τ appears in each sequence, k is the k-mer length and L is the sequence length. The pairwise distance between a and b is then calculated as:
$$d = \frac{log(0.1 + F) - log(1.1)}{log(0.1)} \tag{2}$$
For n sequences, the
operation has time and memory complexity O(n2) and thus
can become computationally infeasible when the sequence set is large
(e.g. > 10,000 sequences). As such, the kmer package
also offers the function mbed
, that only computes the
distances from each sequence to a smaller (or equal) sized subset of
‘seed’ sequences (Blackshields et al.,
2010). The default behavior of the mbed
function is
to select t = (log2n)2
seeds by clustering the sequences (k-means algorithm with k = t), and selecting one
representative sequence from each cluster.
DNA and amino acid sequences can be passed to kcount
and mbed
either as a list of
non-aligned sequences or a matrix of aligned sequences, preferably in
either the “DNAbin” or “AAbin” raw-byte format (see the
ape package documentation for more information on these
S3 classes). Character sequences are supported; however ambiguity codes
may not be recognized or treated appropriately, since raw ambiguities
are counted according to their underlying residue frequencies (e.g. the
5-mer “ACRGT” would contribute 0.5 to the tally for “ACAGT” and 0.5 to
that of “ACGGT”). This excludes the ambiguity code “N”, which is
The ape R package (Paradis
et al., 2004) contains a dataset of 15 aligned
mitochondrial cytochrome b gene DNA sequences from the
woodmouse Apodemus sylvaticus, originally published in Michaux
et al. (2003). While the
kmer distance functions do not require sequences to be
aligned, this example will enable us to compare the performance of the
k-mer distances with the alignment-dependent distances produced
by ape::dist.dna
. First, load the dataset and view the
first few rows and columns as follows:
data(woodmouse, package = "ape")
ape::as.character.DNAbin(woodmouse[1:5, 1:5])
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
#> No305 "n" "t" "t" "c" "g"
#> No304 "a" "t" "t" "c" "g"
#> No306 "a" "t" "t" "c" "g"
#> No0906S "a" "t" "t" "c" "g"
#> No0908S "a" "t" "t" "c" "g"
This is a semi-global (‘glocal’) alignment featuring some incomplete
sequences, with unknown characters represented by the ambiguity code “n”
(e.g. No305). To avoid artificially inflating the distances between
these partial sequences and the others, we first trim the gappy ends by
subsetting the global alignment (note that the ape
function dist.dna
also removes columns with ambiguity codes
prior to distance computation by default).
The following code first computes the full n × n distance matrix, and then the embedded distances of each sequence to three randomly selected seed sequences. In both cases the k-mer size is set to 6.
### Compute the full distance matrix and print the first few rows and columns
woodmouse.kdist <- kdistance(woodmouse, k = 6)
print(as.matrix(woodmouse.kdist)[1:7, 1:7], digits = 2)
#> No305 No304 No306 No0906S No0908S No0909S No0910S
#> No305 0.000 0.0322 0.0295 0.033 0.036 0.037 0.037
#> No304 0.032 0.0000 0.0051 0.020 0.022 0.032 0.023
#> No306 0.030 0.0051 0.0000 0.016 0.017 0.026 0.018
#> No0906S 0.033 0.0202 0.0162 0.000 0.024 0.033 0.014
#> No0908S 0.036 0.0224 0.0171 0.024 0.000 0.033 0.025
#> No0909S 0.037 0.0322 0.0264 0.033 0.033 0.000 0.034
#> No0910S 0.037 0.0233 0.0176 0.014 0.025 0.034 0.000
### Compute and print the embedded distance matrix
seeds <- sample(1:15, size = 3)
woodmouse.mbed <- mbed(woodmouse, seeds = seeds, k = 6)
print(woodmouse.mbed[,], digits = 2)
#> No0909S No0913S No304
#> No305 0.0368 0.0391 0.0322
#> No304 0.0322 0.0102 0.0000
#> No306 0.0264 0.0098 0.0051
#> No0906S 0.0332 0.0215 0.0202
#> No0908S 0.0332 0.0273 0.0224
#> No0909S 0.0000 0.0368 0.0322
#> No0910S 0.0341 0.0176 0.0233
#> No0912S 0.0242 0.0322 0.0273
#> No0913S 0.0368 0.0000 0.0102
#> No1103S 0.0171 0.0251 0.0202
#> No1007S 0.0046 0.0368 0.0322
#> No1114S 0.0451 0.0428 0.0373
#> No1202S 0.0345 0.0176 0.0233
#> No1206S 0.0304 0.0251 0.0202
#> No1208S 0.0046 0.0409 0.0359
In this example the alignment-free k-mer distances
calculated in Example 1 are compared with the Kimura (1980) distance metric as featured in the
ape package examples. The resulting neighbor-joining
trees are visualized using the tanglegram
function from the
dendextend package.
## compute pairwise distance matrices
dist1 <- ape::dist.dna(woodmouse, model = "K80")
dist2 <- kdistance(woodmouse, k = 7)
## build neighbor-joining trees
phy1 <- ape::nj(dist1)
phy2 <- ape::nj(dist2)
## rearrange trees in ladderized fashion
phy1 <- ape::ladderize(phy1)
phy2 <- ape::ladderize(phy2)
## convert phylo objects to dendrograms
dnd1 <- as.dendrogram(phy1)
dnd2 <- as.dendrogram(phy2)
## plot the tanglegram
dndlist <- dendextend::dendlist(dnd1, dnd2)
dendextend::tanglegram(dndlist, fast = TRUE, margin_inner = 5)
Figure 1: Tanglegram comparing distance measures for the woodmouse sequences. Neighbor-joining trees derived from the alignment-dependent (left) and alignment-free (right) distances show congruent topologies.
##Clustering without a distance matrix To avoid excessive time and
memory use when building large trees (e.g. n > 10,000), the
kmer package features the function cluster
for fast divisive clustering, free of both alignment and distance matrix
computation. This function first generates a matrix of k-mer
counts, and then recursively partitions the matrix row-wise using
successive k-means clustering (k = 2). While this method may
not necessarily reconstruct sufficiently accurate phylogenetic trees for
taxonomic purposes, it offers a fast and efficient means of producing
large trees for a variety of other applications such as tree-based
sequence weighting (e.g. Gerstein et al. (1994)), guide trees for progressive multiple
sequence alignment (e.g. Sievers et al. (2011)), and other recursive operations such as
classification and regression tree (CART) learning.
The package also features the function otu
for rapid
clustering of sequences into operational taxonomic units based on a
genetic distance (k-mer distance) threshold. This function performs a
similar operation to cluster
in that it recursively
partitions a k-mer count matrix to assign sequences to groups. However,
the top-down splitting only continues while the highest k-mer distance
within each cluster is above a defined threshold value. Rather than
returning a dendrogram, otu
returns a named integer vector
of cluster membership, with asterisks indicating the representative
sequences within each cluster.
####Example 3: OTU clustering with k-mers In this final example, the woodmouse dataset is clustered into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) with a maximum within-cluster k-mer distance of 0.03 and with 20 random starts per k-means split (recommended for improved accuracy).
woodmouse.OTUs <- otu(woodmouse, k = 5, threshold = 0.97, method = "farthest", nstart = 20)
#> No305* No304 No306* No0906S No0908S No0909S* No0910S No0912S
#> 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2
#> No0913S No1103S No1007S No1114S No1202S No1206S No1208S
#> 1 2 2 3 1 1 2
The function outputs a named integer vector of OTU membership, with asterisks indicating the representative sequence from each cluster (i.e. the most “central” sequence). In this case, three distinct OTUs were found, with No305 and N01114S forming one cluster (3), No0909S, No0912S, No1103S, No1007S and No1208S forming another (2) and the remainder belonging to cluster 1 in concordance with the consensus topology of Figure 1.
##Concluding remarks The kmer package is released under the GPL-3 license. Please direct bug reports to the GitHub issues page at Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
This software was developed with funding from a Rutherford Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowship from the Royal Society of New Zealand.